
class shap.AdditiveExplainer(model, masker, link=None, feature_names=None, linearize_link=True)

Computes SHAP values for generalized additive models.

This assumes that the model only has first-order effects. Extending this to second- and third-order effects is future work (if you apply this to those models right now you will get incorrect answers that fail additivity).

__init__(model, masker, link=None, feature_names=None, linearize_link=True)

Build an Additive explainer for the given model using the given masker object.


A callable python object that executes the model given a set of input data samples.

maskerfunction or numpy.array or pandas.DataFrame

A callable python object used to “mask” out hidden features of the form masker(mask, *fargs). It takes a single a binary mask and an input sample and returns a matrix of masked samples. These masked samples are evaluated using the model function and the outputs are then averaged. As a shortcut for the standard masking used by SHAP you can pass a background data matrix instead of a function and that matrix will be used for masking. To use a clustering game structure you can pass a shap.maskers.Tabular(data, hclustering="correlation") object, but note that this structure information has no effect on the explanations of additive models.


__init__(model, masker[, link, ...])

Build an Additive explainer for the given model using the given masker object.

explain_row(*row_args, max_evals, ...)

Explains a single row and returns the tuple (row_values, row_expected_values, row_mask_shapes).

load(in_file[, model_loader, masker_loader, ...])

Load an Explainer from the given file stream.

save(out_file[, model_saver, masker_saver])

Write the explainer to the given file stream.

supports_model_with_masker(model, masker)

Determines if this explainer can handle the given model.

explain_row(*row_args, max_evals, main_effects, error_bounds, batch_size, outputs, silent)

Explains a single row and returns the tuple (row_values, row_expected_values, row_mask_shapes).

classmethod load(in_file, model_loader=<bound method Model.load of <class 'shap.models._model.Model'>>, masker_loader=<bound method Serializable.load of <class 'shap.maskers._masker.Masker'>>, instantiate=True)

Load an Explainer from the given file stream.

in_fileThe file stream to load objects from.
save(out_file, model_saver='.save', masker_saver='.save')

Write the explainer to the given file stream.

static supports_model_with_masker(model, masker)

Determines if this explainer can handle the given model.

This is an abstract static method meant to be implemented by each subclass.