Census income classification with XGBoost
This notebook demonstrates how to use XGBoost to predict the probability of an individual making over $50K a year in annual income. It uses the standard UCI Adult income dataset. To download a copy of this notebook visit github.
Gradient boosting machine methods such as XGBoost are state-of-the-art for these types of prediction problems with tabular style input data of many modalities. Tree SHAP (arXiv paper) allows for the exact computation of SHAP values for tree ensemble methods, and has been integrated directly into the C++ XGBoost code base. This allows fast exact computation of SHAP values without sampling and without providing a background dataset (since the background is inferred from the coverage of the trees).
Here we demonstrate how to use SHAP values to understand XGBoost model predictions.
import matplotlib.pylab as pl
import numpy as np
import xgboost
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
import shap
# print the JS visualization code to the notebook
Load dataset
X, y = shap.datasets.adult()
X_display, y_display = shap.datasets.adult(display=True)
# create a train/test split
X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(X, y, test_size=0.2, random_state=7)
d_train = xgboost.DMatrix(X_train, label=y_train)
d_test = xgboost.DMatrix(X_test, label=y_test)
Train the model
params = {
"eta": 0.01,
"objective": "binary:logistic",
"subsample": 0.5,
"base_score": np.mean(y_train),
"eval_metric": "logloss",
model = xgboost.train(
evals=[(d_test, "test")],
[0] test-logloss:0.54663
[100] test-logloss:0.36373
[200] test-logloss:0.31793
[300] test-logloss:0.30061
[400] test-logloss:0.29207
[500] test-logloss:0.28678
[600] test-logloss:0.28381
[700] test-logloss:0.28181
[800] test-logloss:0.28064
[900] test-logloss:0.27992
[1000] test-logloss:0.27928
[1019] test-logloss:0.27935
Classic feature attributions
Here we try out the global feature importance calcuations that come with XGBoost. Note that they all contradict each other, which motivates the use of SHAP values since they come with consistency gaurentees (meaning they will order the features correctly).
xgboost.plot_importance(model, importance_type="cover")
pl.title('xgboost.plot_importance(model, importance_type="cover")')
xgboost.plot_importance(model, importance_type="gain")
pl.title('xgboost.plot_importance(model, importance_type="gain")')
Explain predictions
Here we use the Tree SHAP implementation integrated into XGBoost to explain the entire dataset (32561 samples).
# this takes a minute or two since we are explaining over 30 thousand samples in a model with over a thousand trees
explainer = shap.TreeExplainer(model)
shap_values = explainer.shap_values(X)
Visualize a single prediction
Note that we use the “display values” data frame so we get nice strings instead of category codes.
shap.force_plot(explainer.expected_value, shap_values[0, :], X_display.iloc[0, :])
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Visualize many predictions
To keep the browser happy we only visualize 1,000 individuals.
explainer.expected_value, shap_values[:1000, :], X_display.iloc[:1000, :]
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